recovery dharma east bay intersangha
The RDEB Intersangha is an organization dedicated to supporting the health of in-person and online sanghas in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. The intersangha is made up of some elected officers as well as all members of East Bay Recovery meetings who are encouraged to participate in, contribute to and support Intersangha efforts.
The Intersangha strives to serve primarily the following functions:
Provide a resource for individual sanghas to share information, best practices and support one another via monthly meetings and other forums (see Monthly Intersangha Meeting section below)
Maintain and produce our public website as well as pamphlets and other literature about Recovery Dharma East Bay
Foster connections to newcomers and existing sangha members via social media activities
Perform outreach efforts to recovery centers, institutions and communities in the East Bay to raise awareness of Recovery Dharma
Provide resources to help communities in the East Bay to establish new meetings
Foster greater community and connection through activities and events
Create opportunities for sangha members to discover various Dharma communities, traditions and philosophies
For sanghas who do not maintain their own treasury, maintain a pooled treasury that is used by all participating meetings to collect dana and cover meeting expenses (see more detail in Intersangha Treasury Activities section below)
The Intersangha does not do the following:
The Intersangha does not make decisions for individual meetings or set policy. We may offer advice and resources; however each meeting is autonomous and will continue to operate independently.
Ways to get involved
All East Bay sangha members are invited to attend the monthly Intersangha meeting (see meeting section below) to participate in discussions, share information from your sanghas and suggest activities and initiatives for the Intersangha to focus on
Additionally, any sangha member can request items to be added to the monthly meeting agenda by emailing:
There are a number of elected Intersangha volunteer officer positions, generally with a six-month term
We are always looking for volunteers to suggest and lead committees to focus on specific efforts that could benefit the East Bay sanghas
The intersangha officer roles are the following:
Intersangha Coordinator- Justin
Intersangha Treasurer- Marco (Opening soon! Marco would like to step down ASAP after 4 years of service, THIS ROLE IS VERY IMPORTANT, please Justin with interest or more information)
Intersangha Secretary- Robert (Position open as 3/1)
Intersangha Outreach Coordinator- Has been open for Open for 9 months!
Intersangha Social/Sanghaship Committee Members- RA, Agata, Jamie, Mimi, Tiana, Tiffany
Want to get more involved with the community or interested in being of further service – join us for Intersangha! Being of service is an immediate way to bring the benefits of your practice into action for our Sanghas and ultimately all beings.
Last Wednesday of each month, 5:15 - 6:15 PM (PST)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 875 5516 4713
Password: 1234
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Pooled Treasury
Some, but not all meetings located in the East Bay, may opt to participate in the Intersangha pooled treasury model. For meetings who participate, this is how it works:
Dana- Cash and Venmo donations from meetings whose expenses are paid by the Intersangha treasury go to the pooled account.
Meeting Expenses- The pooled account is used to pay for the individual meeting expenses, such as facilities rent, zoom accounts and books.
Sangha Independent Treasury
Some meetings in the East Bay may opt to maintain their own treasury account. In this case, the meeting will deposit dana into their own account and the meeting is responsible for covering their own meeting expenses
Meetings with an independent treasury account are encouraged, but not required to, support Intersangha activites or events financially via ongoing or one-time contributions
Intersangha Expenses
Dana in excess of the meeting expenses required for the Pooled Treasury sanghas, is used for other Intersangha activities such as: Website maintenance, social and educational events, literature and flyers, outreach activities.
Oversight and Recordkeeping
The Intersangha Treasurer provides a monthly accounting of dana, expenses and bank account balances at the monthly Intersangha meeting. All are invited to attend the meeting to review the information. New expenditures are also voted upon at the monthly Intersangha meeting.
Participation of new sanghas in the Pooled Treasury account is approved via Intersangha vote, and ongoing participation is subject to review and vote from time to time.